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Chapter 4 Review - Multiplying Decimals

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ms. Chavez needs to get gas for her car. Gas costs $2.55 per gallon. She buys 7.6 gallons of gas. How much money will she spend?
Amy is making a scale model of the Eiffel Tower for a report on France. The Eiffel Tower is 984 feet tall. If Amy's model is 1/100 of the actual size, how tall is Amy's model?
9.84 feet
True or False: 0.26 x 10 = 26; If false, what is the correct answer?
False; 2.6
What is 35 x 0.78?
What is 99.1 x 7?
What is 0.01 x 32.1?
Cameron is cutting ribbons. The length of each ribbon needs to be 5.39 inches. If he needs 100 ribbons, what is the total length of ribbon needed?
539 inches
Baylee spends $29.45. Emily spends 4.2 times as much as Baylee. Chelsea spends $15.78 more than Emily. How much did Chelsea spend?
See image to answer the question.
A, C, E
What is 1.21 x 6.3?
What is 5.67 x 6?
What is 100 x 36?
Mrs. Thompson's garden is 28.5 square feet. Her porch is 0.15 times the size of my garden. How many square feet are in her porch?
4.275 square feet
How many numbers will be after the decimal in the product of 3.6 x 0.29?
3 numbers
What is 1.6 x 0.9?
What is 6.9 x 2.3?
What is 4.2 x 9?
See the image to answer the question.
A family of three adults and four children are going to Dollywood. Admission for adults are $23.50 and admission for children is are $16.25. How much will it cost the family to go to Dollywood?
Westin needs to buy 1,000 cookies. Each cookie weighs 0.37 pounds. How many pounds will he need to buy?
370 pounds
What is 0.5 x 0.6?
0.3 or 0.30
What is 29 x 7.3?
What is 7.21 x 8?
What is 0.1 x 16?
In England, they use the pound sterling as their money, not dollars. One pound is worth about $1.61. What is the value of 5 pounds?
Riley drinks 1.87 gallons of milk each week. What is the best estimate of how much he will drink in 32 weeks?
64 gallons
What is 0.07 x 0.2?
What is 17 x 0.67?
What is $5.37 x 6?
What is 10 x 3.9?