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"The watchers" by Jennifer Bassett

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why is Poseidon angry?
Because people come to his caves only to find gold.
Why does Stella say not to laugh at the god Poseidon?
Because he is a dangerous god of the sea and earthquakes.
What`s the weather like when 3 friends go to visit the caves?
The sun is hot and Stella is thirsty.
Why does Nikos, a Cretan friend, know a lot about caves?
Nikos works there.
What is the Crete news about?
The news is about the caves under the Palace of Knossos. They are very dangerous.
Where do Stella and her brother Jim go on holiday?
They go to Greece, Crete, the city of Iraklion.
Tell about the statue of the god Poseidon.
It is made from gold and it is 5 metres tall.
What do the watchers watch?
They watch the statue of the god, Pseidon.
Where do the watchers sit?
They sit under the Palace of Knossos.
How old are the watchers?
They are 3000 years old
What are the names of the watchers?
Taras and his sister, Aketa