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1964 - A Year to Remember

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What movie was NOT released in 1964, a) Mary Poppins b)My Fair Lady c) Goldfinger d)Beach Blanket Bingo
Beach Blanket Bingo
The first Tim Hortons opened in 1964 in what Canadian city?
Hamilton, ON
True/False - The 1963 NFL East champion N.Y. Giants won just two games in 1964, finishing in last place.
true/False - NY Yankees clinch their fifth straight pennant but fall to the Cardinals in the World Series, marking the end of the "Yankee Dynasty." The team wouldn't win another pennant until 1976.
true/False - In 1964 Martin Luther King Jr. won the Nobel Peace Prize
true - December 10, 1964
In 1964 - Walt Disney was awarded the Medal of Freedom. True/false
True - September 14, 1964
true/False - For the first time ever, the U.S. government issues a statement that cigarette smoking may be hazardous to your health
True/False - A black man won the Academy Award for best actor for the first time in history.
True - Sidney Poitier
true/False - A first-class postage stamp and a local call from a pay phone both cost 10 cents.
In 1964 "My Fair Lady" won a total of 8 Academy Awards. Which actress did not receive a nomination for her starring role as Eliza Doolittle?
Audrey Hepburn
Born in 1964. Top 500 wealthiest persons in the world, enjoys a good game of poker, and has been in outer space. a)Russell Crowe b)Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberte c)Prince Edward Earl of Wessex d)Jeff Bezos
Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberte
True/False - On April 12, 1964 Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gargarin became the first human being to journey into outer space.
According to the Chinese Zodiac, people born in 1964 are energetic, compassionate, charismatic, egotistical, yet lucky in love and are natural leaders. What Chinese mythical creature? a)Unicorn b)Jade Monkey c)Dragon d)Phoenix
This author was born in a country whose flag is blue white and red, and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1964. Who was he? a)Mordecai Richler b)Ernest Hemingway c)Jean-Paul Sartre d)Fyodor Dostoevsky
Jean-Paul Sartre
The Beatles were at the top of the "Billboard Hot 100" list for the first time at the beginning of February 1964, with which song? a)Can't Buy Me Love b)I Want to Hold Your Hand c)She Loves You d)Please Please Me
b)I Want to Hold Your Hand
If you were an athlete at the IX Winter Olympic games, in what Austrian city (nestled in the heart of the Alps) would you have been competing for a medal? a)Vienna b)St. Moritz c)Turin d)Innsbruck
The Civil Rights Act outlawing discrimination against women and African-Americans was signed by which President of the United States on July 2, 1964? a)John F. Kennedy b)Lyndon B. Johnson c)Dwight D. Eisenhower d)Richard M. Nixon
Lyndon B. Johnson
Why will August 12, 1964 be remembered by 007 fans worldwide? a) The last James Bond novel was published b)Author Ian Fleming died c)The first James Bond movie "Dr. No" released d)Goldfinger grossed over $1,000,000 at the box office
Author Ian Fleming died
Which Ford "pony" car made its first appearance on North American highways in 1964? a)Mustang b)Camaro c)Thunderbird d)GTO