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Population Pop Quiz

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Rodrigo celebrated his 64th birthday today. Which age group does Rodrigo belong?
Young age group (15-64 years old)
Which city/municipality will need fewer schools and hospitals?
Municipality of Pateros
The government will provide COVID vaccines to the people in NCR. Which city is a priority?
Caloocan city
Which city has the most number of people belonging to the old age group?
Makati City
Which city has a younger population?
Taguig City
The types of population we studied are population according to age, gender, ______________ and religion
A/An ___________ population needs more resources to meet the needs of the People
A/An ___________ population may have fewer community helpers
Bar graph, Table and ____________ are some of the tools used in presenting and studying population
Population map
They help the census bureau gather information on the number of people residing in a particular city or municipality, province or region.
Census Enumerator
The latest census in the Philippines was done on what year?
The government agency that collects and analyzes our country's population
Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
The census is done every ________ years in the Philippines
5 years
It is a survey of different areas of the country that records how many people are living in a community, city or municipality, province , and region.
True or False. The government needs to know the population of our country to provide the wants of the communities
False. The government needs to know the population of our country to provide the NEEDS of the communities
3 letter phrase. Population refers to the ___________ living in the area.
number of people