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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He got an A in his last test. He ____ be very happy!
You don't look well. I think you ____ go to the doctor.
should / ought to
Don't eat in class. It's forbidden. You _____ eat in class.
It's very cloudy. It ____ rain this afternoon.
might / may / could
When I'll be eighteen years old, I _______ drive.
will be able to
_____ you close the door, please?
Can / Could / Would
Teresa _____ like dancing very much. She hardly ever dances when I see her at the disco.
Pamela isn't at home and I know she works a lot. She _____ be at work.
They ______ go to the opera this evening, but they aren't sure yet.
might / may
Did you know that Einstein ________ (not) speak fluently until he was nine?
couldn't / wasn't able to
I will be abroad on holiday at the time of the general Election but I _____ vote by post.
will be able to
She was a gifted child and she ______ read when she was only three years old.
could / was able to
Marty ______ play the guitar better than anyone I know.
can / is able to
Brian's laptop is very old. I think he _____ buy a new one.
should / ought to
You ____ give me back my camera. I'm not going to use it today.
needn't / don't have to
When I was five, I _____ speak four languages.
could / was able to
I hate that song! _____ I put something different on?