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Vocabulary 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When we went to the cinema last weekend, my mother’s and I went to get tickets, and my father ........... after parking the car.
There are ...... walls or ........ around some houses.
stone / fences
Giving out light, shining
To be very hungry
If you want to .... energy, you must .... ... the lights when you leave a room.
save / turn off
You need ....... bins to recycle separate objects. Glass, plastic, paper ~ they all go in different bins.
When you ....... ...... something, you put it in to smaller pieces.
take apart
There are many kinds of ............... in the forest, so many different kinds of plants and animals.
Animals like rabbits live in ......... .
I will plant some .... in spring.
We often put .... to catch ?
Can you ...... the difference between these two pictures?
Which books are .. ....... at the shop window?
on display
You must ...... you fears and fight them.
.......... are small .......... with a lot of legs and a hard shell.
beetles / creatures
If you want to ........ the nature, you mustn’t ........ the air, water, etc.
protect / pollute
Don’t ........ .... your clothes, you can give them to someone in need.
throw away
I need a ....... for the remote control.
You must pat 25 kurus if you want to use a ......... ...
plastic bag
........... .......... doesn’t pollute the environment. The sun produces this energy.
solar power