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Chapter 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A graph that uses cumulative frequencies and class boundaries
A graph that uses connected data points to show relative frequency against class midpoints
Relative frequency polygon (not frequency polygon)
A graph that uses connected data points to show frequency against class midpoints
Frequency polygon (not relative frequency polygon)
A graph that shows categorical data as pieces of a circle
Pie chart
A bar graph that uses percentages and categories
Pareto chart
Which graph consists of bars of equal width and is used to represent categorical data?
Bar graph (also a multiple bar graph)
A diagram that separates numerical data into two parts
Stemplot (or stem-and-leaf plot)
A graph that uses dots plotted against a vertical scale to represent data values.
Which graph plots data against time?
Time-series graph
What diagram uses data as plotted points to show a relationship between two variables?
What is the name for a distribution where all the frequencies are almost equivalent?
Uniform distribution
Which graph consists of bars of equal width and explains numerical data?
The sum of the relative frequencies (given as decimals) in a frequency distribution must be very close to ___.
The sum of the percentages in a frequency distribution must be very close to ____.
100% (Not 100)
What does cumulative frequency tells us about the frequency in a class?
Gives the number of subjects or data that is included in the classes "less than" a certain value. (Ex. 20 people are less than 6' tall )
What graph uses relative frequency (y-axis) and class midpoints (x-axis)?
Relative Frequency Polygon