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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This is a very good musical example for the word ..........
Listen to this new song and choose a new word to add to the dictionary.
In MusicLexis this refrain is a musical example for 2 words. Which words?
Apologize, Late
This refrain is used in MusicLexis as a musical example for 2 words. Which words?
Amazing, Way
Listen to the musical example. "Have the time of my life" is a) an idiom b) a phrasal verb
a) an idiom
Listen to the musical example. "Let down" is a) an idiom b) a phrasal verb
b) a phrasal verb
Any line or group of lines that repeat several times in a song is a ............
The words of a song are called its ..............
In MusicLexis we use popular songs which are a) new b) old c) both new and old
c) both new and old
In MusicLexis we prefer videos that a) display the lyrics of a song b) show images
a) display the lyrics of a song
If you wish to search for the easiest words in English, which category will you choose?
Level Α1-Α2
If you want to listen to old popular songs in English you can choose:
All time classics