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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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To be healthy, we need to __. To keep healthy I __. I should __.
The best sport is ___. Outside you can play __. Inside you can play __. The most dangerous sport is __.
I want to visit __ because __. The country with the most delicious food is __. Here are countries that I know: ___.
the past
In the past there was __. Life was different then because __. I like now better because __.
the future
My dream __. In the future there will/ won't be __. I want to go to the future because __.
My best friends are __. It is important that friends are __. With my friends, I like to __. I meet my friends __.
The last test I did was ___. I don't like tests because __. Tests are good because __.
I play games __. My favorite game is __ because __. Games are better than __.
the weekend
On Saturday, I __. On Sunday, I __. I love the weekend because __.
I like/ don't like school because __. My favorite subject is __. I am not good at __. I go to school by __.
In my family there is __. Family is important because __. My mom is __. My dad is __. My brother/ sister is __.
My favorite food is __ because __. I love __. I hate __. I am allergic to __. Healthy foods are __. Spicy foods are __.
My hobby is __.I like this hobby because __ The worst hobbies are __. The best hobbies are my hobby __ times per week. My friend's hobby is__.