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The Survivor

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is this?
Who is this?
Who is this?
Black Pink
Who is this?
Annie Leonhart
Who is this?
Reiner Braun
Who is this?
Giyu Tomioka
Who stole the money from the bank robbers?
Who works at the FBI Bank Robbery Department
Agent Sanders and Agent Kowalski
who is the bad FBI agent?
Agent Kowalski
At the crash side who screams we got a person here?
The ambulance driver
Who is Buddy afraid of?
The other bank robbers
How did Agent Kowalski get answers from Jane Doe while she was in a coma?
By tapping his phone
Why did the plane crash?
Buddy tried to fly himself
Who comes to see Jane Doe in the hospital?
Agent Kowalski and Officer Garner
Who will agent Kowalski hurt to make Monica talk?
Her little brother
What country is Nurse bryson from?
Name 2 FBI agents
Agent Sanders and Agent Kowalski
What are everybody looking for?
The Money
What type of vehicle crashed?
a Plane
Name 2 criminals from the story
Buddy / Agent Kowalski / the bank robbers
Who ends up in a coma?
Monica Sanders / Jane Doe