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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe the hair and the eyes of Emilia
She has short, straight and blond hair and blue eyes
Describe the hair and the eyes of Camila
She has short, straight and brown hair and brown eyes
Describe the hair and the eyes of Elizabeth
She has short, straight and blond hair and green eyes
Describe the hair and the eyes of Odette.
She has straight, long and brown hair and gray eyes
Describe the hair and the eyes of Santiago
He has brown and straight hair and brown eyes
Describe the hair and the eyes of Patricio
He has light brown/blonde hair and brown eyes
Describe the hair and the eyes of Mateo
He has black and curly hair and brown eyes
Describe the hair and the eyes of Hector.
He has brown and straight hair and brown eyes
Who is Patricio's best friend?
What is Mateo´s favorite on-line game?
Among us
Where does Emilia go to visit her grandparents every vacation?
How many brothers does Camila have?
one (1)
Whose birthday is today?
What is Odette´s favorite animal?
What is Hector´s favorite song?
What is the Santi´s favorite song?