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Second Step Unit 2 Review: 2nd and 3rd Grade

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the first thing you can do when making a new friend?
Start up a conversation
How can you start a conversation and keep it going? (remember your learning skills)
focus attention, listen, ask questions
How could you show compassion for someone who fell off the slide at recess?
Answers vary
Can you still be friends with someone who has a different preference or perspective as you?
Nicole loves swimming lessons. Today her class is jumping off the diving board. She doesn't want to jump. How does she feel? Could she have conflicting feelings?
Excited & scared. Yes!
What does it mean to have conflicting feelings?
When you have two different feelings about the same situation.
How can you show care and concern for someone?
Saying or doing something kind
Tell the class about a time you showed compassion for someone.
Answers vary
Why do we do Brain-builder activities?
To help our brains grow and make us smarter!
What is compassion?
When you show care and concern towards another person.
What is it called when you put empathy into action?
True or False? Having empathy helps you notice and understand preferences, and that they can change?
What 3 clues can we look for to identify another's feelings?
Physical, verbal & situational clues
Name a COMFORTABLE feeling.
Happy, calm, interested, etc.
Name an UNCOMFORTABLE feeling.
Angry, scared, anxious, embarrassed, etc.
What does empathy mean?
Seeing things as others see them OR putting yourself in someone else's shoes.