Edit Game
simple present tense and vocabulary

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I help my mother every day. Rewrite with "she"
She helps her mother every day.
The boys play football on Sundays. Rewrite with "We"
We play football on Sundays.
I play computer games every day. Rewrite with "He"
He plays computer games every day.
When do the students go to school?Answer the question.
They go to school at 9.00 o'clock.
What do you do at the weekend? Answer the question.
I ..........
What time does he get up ?
He gets up at ...
Where does your mother live ? Answer the question.
She lives in ...
My brother speaks English well. Rewrite with "They"
They speak English well.
We go to the zoo every Sunday.. Rewrite with "He"
He goes to the zoo every Sunday.
How many brothers and sisters have you got? Answer the question.
I have got ......
His moustache is black. Rewrite the sentences with have got-has got.
He has got black moustache.
Its mouth is big. Rewrite the sentences with have got-has got.
It has got a big mouth.
Their house is big. Rewrite the sentences with have got-has got.
They have got big house.
Her hair is wavy. Rewrite the sentences with have got-has got.
She has got wavy hair.
My eyes are blue. Rewrite the sentences with have got-has got.
I have got blue eyes.
I have got a brother. Jim is ______ brother and I am _____ sister. Fill in the blanks with possessive adjectives.
My - his
We are very late. ______ classes begin at 8.30.Fill in the blank with possessive adjective.
My friend Mary is very happy. Today is ____ birthday. Fill in the blank with possessive adjective.
My friend Mary is very happy. Today is ____ birthday.
I/ read / magazines. ( always) (Write adverbs of frequency)
I always read magazines.
They / make / their beds in the morning. ( sometimes) (Write adverbs of frequency)
They sometimes make their beds in the morning.
Mary / meet / her friends / at a cafe. ( often ) (Write adverbs of frequency)
Mary often meets her friends at a cafe.
Jim / play tennis / after school ( never ) (Write adverbs of frequency)
Jim never plays tennis after school.
The boys play football well. (Make negative)
The boys don't play football well.
Jane goes to school every day. (Make negative)
Jane doesn't go to school every day.
They watch TV in the evenings. (Make negative)
They don't watch TV in the evenings.
He works at a hospital. ( Make negative )
He doesn't work at a hospital.