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Woodley Bridge

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is Alisha into?
What are Dan and his mum planning to do this summer?
They're planning to visit Ed
What is Skye's Gran brilliant at?
What is Tommo's real name?
Alexi (Thomas)
Do Tommo, Dan, Alisha and Skye often meet in a cafe?
No, they sometimes meet there
Has Tommo got a kayak?
Yes, he has
Are Skye's parents doctors?
No, they are scientists
Why is Dan's mum sad?
We don't know
Have Skye and Tommo got pets?
Yes (Skye has got a snake and Tommo has got a cat)
Do Dan and Alisha speak other languages?
Yes (Dan speaks Spanish and Alisha speaks Hindi)
Who lived in America last year?
What is Dan's brother's name?
Does Skye live with her parents?
No, she lives with her Gran
Where is Alisha's dad's family from?
Where does Tommo live?
Woodley Bridge/In a canal boat
Are Dan and his brother from the UK?
No, they are from the USA.