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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Everyone should recycle and help _______ the planet
to save
I agreed _________ her English if she helped me with my Spanish
to teach
I'm busy at the moment. Would you mind ________ back later?
Remember _________ some milk on your way home tonight
to buy
Her parents were very strict and wouldn't allow her ______ out later than 10 o'clock
to stay
Mary's car has broken down. Would you mind _______ her a lift?
I remember _________ to be an astronaut when I was growing up
What with inflation and everything, it's just not worth _______ nowadays
He wasn't happy with the food so he demanded __________ the manager
to see
I never go swimming because I dislike _______ my hair wet
Would you mind _______ me the water, please?
Michael dared me ____________ through the graveyard at midnight alone
to walk
He suggested ________ a taxi to the train station
The game was hard but we managed _________ by two clear points.
to win
My parents warned my against _________ to strangers
I really enjoy going to parties and _______ new people
The film star disguised herself to avoid ________ recognised
Don't pretend ________ vegetables. I know you hate them really
to like
It's hard to ever imagine ________ without your mobile phone
The police arrived and ordered everyone ________ the building immediately.
to leave
My dog is crazy. He keeps __________ he's a cat
When she was a child, her parents wouldn't allow her ______ in the street.
to play
I'm sorry, I didn't mean __________ your feelings.
to hurt