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Dracula Chapter 7

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What would happen to Mina if Dracula died before her?
She would be a vampire forever!
What did Mina tell Van Helsing?
She described a ship on water, with the sounds and the mist.
How could Van Helsing find out from Mina what Dracula's plans were?
He would hypnotize her.
What was Dracula making Mina do at Jonathon's house?
He was making her drink his blood!
Did they put something in every box?
No, because when they opened a box, they realized that Dracula was coming for them.
What did they place in the wooden boxes?
The put holy bread in the boxes?
Why did Van Helsing hypnotize Jonathon?
To find out where Dracula's house is.
Were they successful in finding the papers?
No. Because Dracula must've taken.
Why did Jonathon have to find the papers?
Because they didn't know where Dracula's how was because Dracula had made Jonathon forget.