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Compound Nouns

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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can / long / really fast / fly/ insect / with / body / which / large
A dragonfly is a large insect with a long body which can fly really fast.
black / and / green / large / with / fruit / skin / lots of / seeds
Watermelon is a large fruit with a green skin and lots of black seeds.
you / raining / have to / when / wear
You have to wear a raincoat when it is raining!
for / favourite / game / the most / boys
For boys, football is the most favourite game.
small / of / fish / kind
Seahorse is a small kind of fish.
touch / dirty / with / don´t / hands/ !
Don´t touch my keyboard with dirty hands!
weekend/ brother / play / every/
My brother plays basketball every weekend.
Did / hear/ ? / Somebody / come / !
Somebody came! Did you hear the doorbell?
a day/ have to / use / your/ twice / you
You have to use your toothbrush twice a day.
like/ children / play / in / little
Little children like playing in the playground.
who/ brave / save / life / man / your
Fireman is brave man who can save your life.
people / walk / use / can´t / who
People who can´t walk use a wheelchair.
to protect / to wear / have to / summer / eyes / in
You have to wear sunglasses in summer to protect your eyes.
to be / fruit / tropical / sweet
Pineapple is sweet tropical fruit.
see / have to / wear/ can´t / very well / so
I can´t see very well, so I have to wear eyeglasses.
like / music / listen / with / my
I like listening to music with my headphones.
eating / like / yummy
I like eating yummy cupcakes.
healthy / vegetable / purple
Eggplant is a healthy purple vegetable.
will / lunch / have / for / quick
What will you have for a quick lunch?
can / sea / find / lots of
We can find lots of starfish in the sea.
expensive / sister / buy / yesterday
My sister bought an expensive lipstick yesterday.
see / rain / after
We will see a rainbow after raining. = After raining we will see a rainbow.
make / now / kitchen
We are making pancakes in the kitchen now.
field / grow
SUNFLOWER grows on the field.