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What is the Skittle experiment?
To see how the dye comes off of them with water
The makers of Skittle also created ______ and _____
Juicy Fruit and M&M's
Which colour skittles are most difficult to dye to create?
How many Skittle Products are there?
How many million of followers does Skittles have on Facebook?
25 Million
In America Skittles are ranked number ________ most popular candy.
What changed in the recipe of Skittles in 2009?
They changed the gelatin in the recipe so now it is no longer containing animal products. They are now Vegan.
What is the slogan for Skittles?
'Taste the Rainbow'
Name two of the original flavours
Grape, Orange, Strawberry, Lemon or Lime
Who invented skittles?
no one
Where do Skittles Originate?