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Present perfect x Simple past

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A friend _______ me tickets for a music festival. It sounds like fun! (buy)
has bought
Actually, some friends ______ me to their houses (invite)
have invited
I _____ learning Spanish about a year ago. (begin)
She _____ a new car in 2011. (buy)
____ you _____ your homework? (do)
Have, done
read / have / book / John and Peggy / the / new / just
John and Peggy have just read the new book.
How many tests ____ last week? (you/have)
did you have
I can't find my keys. I think I _______ them. (lose)
have lost
____ you _____ school as a kid? (enjoy)
Did, enjoy
What ____ you ____ on TV yesterday? (watch) - Ask a classmate!
did, watch
_____ you _____ to any concerts last month? (go)
Did, go
My piano lesson _______ (start) at ten o'clock
I _____ a great movie last night. (watch)
What’s the most exciting thing you __________ (ever/do)?
have ever done
When _______ (you/break) your leg?
did you break
- How long _____ you _____ (be) at this school? - Since 2014
have, been
We _______ (study) at the same college in 2013.
arrangements / I / the / made / have / already
I have already made the arrangements.
restaurant / eaten / yet / haven't / I / this / at
I haven't eaten at this restaurant yet.