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Natural Disasters

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A type of insect takes over and destroys the crops.
Locust Infestation
Severe winter storms characterized by heavy snow and strong winds. For example, Filomena in Spain 2021.
An outbreak of a contractible disease that spreads through a human population. 
Epidemic or pandemic
Mass of snow slides down a slope. 
Often started by lightning or drought. For example - Amazon forests
Forest Fire
Massive storms that come from oceans
Typhoon, Cyclone or Hurricane
Too much rain in an area and streets full of water. 
When lava explodes out of the earth.
volcanic eruption
A big wave caused by an earthquake under the sea
Strong, rotating wind that destroys everything in its path.
When soil on a mountain slope breaks off
A widespread scarcity of food. (no food available)
The shaking of the earth
A period of no or very little rain.