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Danny likes to travel and fly on airplanes, but he doesn't know if Jackie likes to travel or fly on airplanes. How does Danny find out?
Jackie, do you like to travel?" "Jackie, do you like to fly on airplanes?
Lyle loves to read books. He wonders if Emily likes to read. What questions can he ask to find out?
"Emily, do you like to read?" or "Emily, what books do you like to read?"
Val loves to play with her brother and sister. She wants to find out if Danny has any siblings. What can she do to find out?
Danny, do you have a brother or a sister?
Jackie likes to go camping in the summer. He wants to know what Emily likes to do in the summer. How can he find out?
Emily, what do you like to do in the summer?
Emily is sitting on the van and wonders what Ori will do after school. How can she find out?
hey do you have any plans later?, What will you do when you get home?
You're in Prags group with Jackie. He says, "I'm going to target later". What question can you ask to find out more information?
What will you buy?, Who do you go to target with?, When are you going to target?
Ori likes to eat mac and cheese. He wonders if Emily also likes to eat mac and cheese. What can Ori ask to find out?
"Emily, do you like to eat mac and cheese?" or "Do you eat mac and cheese?"
Val and Ori are playing Pop up Pirate. The pirate just popped out! Ori says, "That's so cool!" He wants to find out if Val had fun playing. What should Ori ask to find out?
Did you have fun Val?, Did you like the game?
Danny is in the PE and wonders if Val wants to play soccer. How can he find out?
"Val, want to play?" or "Van do you want to play soccer with me?"
Jackie and Lyle are on break at the same time. Jackie wants to chat with Lyle about plans after school. How can Jackie find out?
"Lyle do you like it? or Do you like the video?"