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MAC1 - Irreversible Word Pairs - Teacher Yasmin

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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13. How do you react when someone you are talking to keeps going on and on about the same subject? Give an example that has happened to you.
12. What is necessary for you to feel safe and sound?
_____________ is necessary for me to feel safe and sound.
11. What are you sick and tire of? Why?
I'm sick and tired of ...
10. To what extent do you agree that life is full of ups and dows? Explain and give examples.
I ________________ that life is full of ups and downs ...
9. What was the last time you did bits and pieces of something?
I did bits and pieces of _____________
8. What do you do as and when you can? Explain.
I ________________ as and when I can ...
7. What do you think of the law and order in our country?
The way I see it, law and order in my country is ...
6. In this day and age, the world is very globalized, how do you think this affects the pandemic we are living? Discuss.
In this day and age ...
5. Does your city transmit peace and quiet to the citizens? Explain.
I believe my city _____________ peace and quiet to the citizens, because ...
4. By and large, how do you feel at your regular school? Why?
By and large, I ________
3. Are you enjoying all the odds and ends that life provides you? Why is that?
... I'm (not) enjoying all the odds and ends that life provides me, because ...
2. What is it worthy for you to put your heart and soul into? Why?
_____________ is worthy for meto put your heart and soul into, because ...
1. Has anyone ever told you to do something with no ifs and buts?
________________ told me to __________ with no ifs and buts.