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What's in that Neighborhood

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name the four Cardinal directions?
North, South, East and West
What is a surge?
When a car accelerates or goes from a stop position
Name two intersection shapes
Plus and T shape
What is a cue?
Something that that gives you information about your location but not is reliable
What is a landmark?
A a unique and permanent structure/object that gives you information about your location
What should you do before crossing the intersection?
Analyze the Intersection
In which city area, will you most likely encounter a traffic light controlled intersection?
Commercial / Business Area
In which neighborhood, will you most likely encounter a Stop sign controlled intersection?
Name the three colors on a traffic light?
Green, Yellow, Red
How many lights does a traffic light have?
What is a red octagon shape sign located in the corner of the intersection?
Stop sign
What is an Intersection?
Where two streets cross each other (perpendicular)
In the Address System, there are two sides of of the street, what are they? 
odd and even sides
Where does the Address System begins?
Downtown at the center of a city. 
Why is it important to have an Address?
It tell you exactly where a peron's home or buisenss is
What does an address consists of?
Number, cardinal direction, street name, city, state, zip code