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Present Perfect Simple vs. Present Perfect Conti ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'm very cold, ___you___ (to turn) off the heater?
have you turned
- Why is the ground white? -Because it _____ (to snow) all night!
has been snowing
John ____ (to win) the lottery and ____ (to donate) half of it to charities.
has won / has donated
Ana ____ (not talk) to Jim since they broke up.
has not talked
My friend _______ (to paint) a portrait of her boyfriend for Valentine's Day.
has painted
___ you____ (to buy) the biscuits I like?
Have you bought
My mum ____ just ___ (to arrive). So now we can eat.
has arrived
I ____ (to have) four coffees already today!
have had
He _____ (to text) 10 messages.
has texted
I usually work in London but I _____ (to work) in Birmingham for the last three weeks.
have been working
She ______ (to write) emails for three days.
has been writing
I _____ (to read) that book you lent me. I've got another 50 pages to read.
have been reading
We _______ (to decorate) the house all this week but we haven't done the kitchen yet!
have been decorating
He ______ (to build) a new house and is moving in this Friday.
has built
She ______ (to live) here for three years
has been living
You ___________ (to clean) the bathroom. How lovely!
have cleaned