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B2 Time expressions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jane called me ______ I mentioned her in the conversation
Jane called me just as I mentioned her in the conversation
We had tea, and __________ we sat in the garden for a while.
We had tea, and afterwards we sat in the garden for a while.
___________, I thought he was joking but then I realized he meant it.
At first, I thought he was joking but then I realized he meant it.
She was calm ___________ her visit to the dentist.
She was calm throughout her visit to the dentist.
I went sailing _____, but I didn't like it.
I went sailing once, but I didn't like it.
The situation seems to be peaceful, __________ at least.
The situation seems to be peaceful, for the time being at least.
How long does it _______ you to get home from work?
How long does it take you to get home from work?
They swore __________ loyalty to each other.
They swore eternal loyalty to each other.
She's quit her job __________. She hated it anyway.
She's quit her job for good. She hated it anyway.
The lockdown is __________ so we will see each other very soon.
The lockdown is temporary so we will see each other very soon.
Michael Jackson is a ________ singer. All generations just love him!
Michael Jackson is a timeless singer. All generations just love him!
___________________ , please! I can't hear you if you all talk at once.
One at a time, please! I can't hear you if you all talk at once.