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Final 22/03/21 Lv. 2 y 3

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why at the tip of a monkey's tail is there a patch of bare skin?
It acts similar to a human's fingertips. It is sensitive to touch and also has tiny ridges that gives the tail a better grip
How heavy was the worlds heaviest Carrot?
The scientific name of the mountain lion is Puma concolor, means what?
Lion of one color
How many billions of chickens are there in the world?
25 billion ( Lots of Nuggets for you) WOW
Why do some squirrels rub themselves with pieces of snakeskin?
To camouflage themselves
how do you say "Tengo ganas"
I feel like
Aztec emperor Montezuma drank how many cups of cacao a day?
50 from a golden cup
Why was the pigeon important to the Romans?
It was viewed as the best available fertilizer and armed guards kept the guano safe (Wow)
- What percent of a jellyfish is water?
(what's wrong) My daughter is embarrassed and will have her baby next month.
My daughter is NERVOUS/SCARED and will have her baby next month.
(what's wrong) My mother told me she broke your leg.
My mother told me she broke HER leg. (Or your mother likes to break legs)
(what's wrong) I was born on 1985.
I was born IN 1985 (the best year ever)
(what's wrong) He have a lot of money.
he HAS a lot of money
(what's wrong) My company it is big.
My company IS big.
(what's wrong) I love Disneyworld. It is very funny.
I love Disneyworld. It is very FUN
(what's wrong) There was much people at the party.
There was A LOT OF people at the party