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IE 4 Unit 6

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He had an ice cream at 10.30.
What did he have at 10.30?
They went to the zoo on Saturday.
Where did they go on Saturday?
She went home at 4 o'clock.
What time did she go home?/ When did she go home?
They went skateboarding at the weekend.
When did they go skateboarding?
He played football on Tuesday morning.
What did he do on Tuesday morning?
She went to a pizza restaurant on her birthday.
Where did she go on her birthday?
They played football .... Tuesday afternoon. (on,at)
They played football on Tuesday afternoon.
She went swimming .... Monday. (on,at)
She went swimming on Monday.
He visited his Grandma ..... Christmas Day. (on,at)
He visted his Grandma on Christmas Day.
They played basketball ..... the weekend. (on,at)
They played basketball at the weekend.
He had lunch ...... one o'clock. (on,at)
He had lunch at one o'clock.
They went to the cinema ..... 6 pm. (?on, at?)
They went to the cinema at 6 pm.
What animals did people use to send messages?
a horse, a pigeon
What should you use to send messages that you can hear?
Morse code, drums
What should you use to send a meesage that you can see?
a mirror, smoke, flags
On chciaƂ klawiaturę, ale nie chciaƂ myszki.
He wanted the keyboard but he didn't want the mouse.
On chciaƂ aparat fotograficzny, ale nie chciaƂ telefonu komórkowego.
He wanted the camera but he didn't want the mobile phone.
On nie chciaƂ pendrive, ale on chciaƂ laptop.
He didn't want the memory stick but he wanted the laptop.
On nie chciaƂ telewizora, ale on chciaƂ komputer.
He didn't want the television but he wanted the computer.
On nie chciaƂ radia, ale on chciaƂ aparat fotograficzny.
He didn't want the radio but he wanted the camera.