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Easter traditions quiz

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How many eggs are sold in the UK at Easter time? 20 million 50 million 80 million
80 million
What colour do children prefer their jellybeans
True or false? Rabbits with upright ears hear better than rabbits with floppy ears
Where are the eggs?
In the basket
Where in the world do they eat capybara, iguana and turtles for Easter? Colombia / Brazil / New Zealand
What is the name for the houses that birds make?
a nest
What is the name for a baby bird?
A chick
Where in the world do they have a Easter bonnet (hat) competition? USA / UK / Germany
Where in the world do they eat a giant lamb made of BUTTER at Easter? Russia / Hungary / Poland
Where in the world do they fly giant kites at Easter? Iran / Bermuda / Australia
Where in the world do they smash pots at Easter time? Greece / Italy / France
What is the name of this Easter character?
The Easter Bunny