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H. G. Wells "The invisible man"
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Why Mr. Cuss, the local doctor was petrified and wanted to see a vicar?
Mr. Cuss saw that one of the sleeves were empty as if there was no body inside.
What nationality did locals think the stranger was?
Half-breed. He had black and white skin on different parts of body.
What was inside the trunks belonging to the stranger?
All types of bottles
What happened to the stranger when his trunks had been delivered to the inn?
The dog had bitten him.
How did the stranger explain his desire not to be disturbed in his room?
He was a scientist and his eyes are weak and painful so he had to shut himself in the darkness.
Why was Mrs. Hall frightened when she entered the parlour with the clock-mender, Teddy Henfrey?
In the darkness Mrs. Henfrey saw a big hole in the mouth of the stranger.
How did the stranger meet Teddy Henfrey, the clock mender?
He was disappointed that he had been disturbed. He acted in a rude way saying that Henfrey was wasting time.
What happened to Mrs. Hall`s cousin Tom?
He fell down on the scythe in the fields. He was 3 months tied up.
What was the name of the stranger who had come to stay in the inn.
We don`t know because it wasn`t mentioned in the first 4 chapters.
What was the stranger`s reaction when Mrs. Hall had told him about her cousin Tom`s accident.
The stranger was rude and asked for matches for his pipe.
What did Mrs. Hall think the reason was why his head was covered with a bandage?
The poor man`s had an accident or operation.
How did the stranger react when Mrs Hall entered his room without waiting for permission to come in
He dropped smth on the floor and then was helding a napkin over the lower part of his face, so that his mouth and jaws were completely hidden.
What did the stranger look like when he came to the inn of Mrs. Hall? (Mention 6 properties)
Gloved hands, grey hat, shiny pink nose, with a little black bag, a coat, blue glasses and a bushy beard