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Lily is painting a rectangle wall that is 10 feet long and 8 feet tall. There is a window that is 5 feet wide and 3 feet tall on the wall. What is the area of the wall that Lily will paint? 
2,365 divided by 4 =
591 r1
56 x 72 =
Jaxson lives 0.4 miles from a school. Jake lives 0. 25 miles from the school.  Answer BOTH questions.  1. Who lives closer?  2. How would you write each decimal as a fraction? 
Jake lives closer 25/100 and 4/10
2 x 3 1/3 =
6 2/3
Find the difference 4 1/5 - 3 2/5 =
Find a common denominator for the following fractions. 3/4 and 2/3
9/12 and 8/12
What is the measure of the unknown angle in the figure?
Write an equation and solve to find the measure of angle WRT
84° + 69° = 153°
What is the measurement of the angle.
20 degrees
What fraction of the circle does the shaded area represent?
What fraction of the circle does the shaded area represent?
What is the total measure of the joined angles. Make sure you write the equation as well.
160 degrees
What is the total measure of the joined angles. Make sure you write the equation as well.
80 degrees
Tell whether the angle shown is acute, obtuse, straight, or a right angle.
Tell whether the angle shown is acute, obtuse, straight, or a right angle.
Tell whether the angle shown is acute, obtuse, straight, or a right angle.
Tell whether the angles on the circle shows a 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, or 1 full turn clockwise or counter clockwise.
1/4 turn counterclockwise
Tell whether the angles on the circle shows a 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, or 1 full turn clockwise or counter clockwise.
3/4 turn counterclockwise