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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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every now and then
from time to time; occasionally.
the best of both worlds
all the advantages of two different situations and none of the disadvantages
keep your cool
to remain calm in a difficult situation.
for the time being
for the present; until some other arrangement is made
from scratch
from the very beginning, especially without making use of or relying on any previous work for assistance
on track
following a course that is likely to achieve what is required.
go hand in hand
closely associated or connected
With flying colours
an overwhelming victory, triumph, or success
I've had my fill of (something)
To have, consume, or experience as much (of something) as one desires or is able to. Often used in the present perfect tense ("have had one's fill")
to be at the end of my tether
a situation in which one has no patience or energy left to cope with something.
On edge
Tense, nervous, irritable
Down in the dumps
Feeling very sad
It made my day
you have just said or done something great for me and that has made this day a very great and important one
Trilled to bits
Excited and pleased
On top of the world
Happy and elated
Let the cat out of the bag
When you reveal a secret or a hidden fact
Once in a blue moon
Something is done very rarely
Piece of cake
Something is easy to do
Stab on the back
A betrayal
Break a leg
Good luck!
Under the weather
Feel unwell
Put a sock in it
Stop talking!