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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where does a farmer work?
A farmer works in a farm.
What can a farmer do?
A farmer can grow vegetables.
Choose the correct answer.
B) They were in İzmir three days ago.
Choose the correct answer.
C) I was in Ankara yesterday.
What did Mary and her brother do yesterday?
A) Mary and her brother made a snowman yesterday.
Yukarıdaki fiillerin geçmiş zaman hallerinin eşleştirmelerinden hangisi yanlıştır?
C) read-readed ve E) go-goed
Yukarıdaki geçmiş zamanda kurulmuş cümlelerden hangisinde fiil yanlış kullanılmıştır?
A) Did he visited his grandparents?
What did the old couple do last spring?
C) They went sightseeing in Paris.
what did Jack do last Sunday?
C) Jack camped with his friend in the forest.
What did he do last winter?
A) He went skiing in Uludağ last winter.
What did she do last summer?
She picked fruits (last summer).
What did they do last summer?
They climbed a tree (last summer).