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EET present simple

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Choose positive or negative form of the verb and complete the sentence - She never ................. (do) exercise in the morning because she is too tired.
she never does exercise in the morning
Choose positive or negative form of the verb and complete the sentence - she .............. (teach) on Saturday because it is her day off.
She doesn't teach on Saturday because it is her day off.
Mr Budhy usually ..................... (drive) to work in his new car.
Mr Budhy usually drives to work in his new car.
Choose positive or negative form of the verb and complete the sentence - she .....................(go) swimming on Monday because the pool is closed.
She doesn't go swimming on Monday because the pool is closed.
Choose positive or negative form of the verb and complete the sentence - the plane sometimes ............ (fly) on Monday and sometimes on Tuesday.
The plane sometimes flies on Monday and sometimes on Tuesday
Choose positive or negative form of the verb and complete the sentence - The baby ...................... (cry) every night, it is very loud.
The baby cries every night. It is very loud.
Choose positive or negative form of the verb and complete the sentence -she usually ............................... (do) yoga when she is tired.
She usually doesn't do yoga when she is tired.
Choose positive or negative form of the verb and complete the sentence - She always ................ (go) to school from Monday to Friday.
She always goes to school from Monday to Friday.
put a negative in the sentence - They ................. ...................... sports on TV.
They don't watch sports on TV
put a negative in the sentence - Anita .................. .................... fish.
Anita doesn't eat fish.
put a negative in the sentence - they .............. .................... to music after 10pm.
they don't listen to music after 10pm.
put a negative in the sentence - they .............. .................... to music after 10pm.
they don't listen to music after 10pm.
put a negative in the sentence - they .............. .................... to music after 10pm.
they don't listen to music after 10pm.
put a negative in the sentence - she ............... (listen/play/watch/eat) the piano, she plays the guitar.
she doesn't play the piano she plays the guitar
put a negative in the sentence - they ................. (work) on weekends as the office is closed.
They don't work on weekends as the office is closed.
put a negative in the sentence - my grandmother ............ (drive) a car, she takes the bus.
my grandmother doesn't drive a car, she takes the bus
put a negative in the sentence - they ................... (run) in the winter because it's too cold.
they don't run in the winter because it's too cold.
three times / do sport / they / each week
they do sport three times each week.
I / never / at the weekend / early / go to bed
I never go to bed early at the weekend
to the indian restaurant / sometimes / go / we
sometimes we go to the indian restaurant
she / do / at the weekend / her homework / always
she always does her homework at the weekend
Every day I ................ (do/have/go) to work by bike, but my friend .................. (do/have/go) to work by bus.
go, goes
I ........... (do/have/go/live/work) in England and I .................... (do/have/go/live/work) four sisters.
live, four
Wiwit and Eva .......... (do/have/go) to the beach every weekend.
Ella never ............. (do/have/go) her homework. Her teacher is angry!
We usually .................. (go/have/do) dinner at 8pm.