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Easter and Jesus Facts

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How did Jesus use bread and wine to help his disciples remember Him? What do the bread and wine mean?
The bread represents his body and the wine represents his blood.
Why did Jesus die on the cross?
He died to save us from sin.
How many silver coins was Jesus sold for?
Who betrayed Jesus?
What animal did Jesus ride into Jerusalem?
A donkey.
Name three animals connected with Easter.
Lamb, chicken, bunny.
Who wins the Easter egg hunt game?
The person who finds the most chocolate eggs.
Where do people go on Easter Sunday?
To church.
On what day Jesus die on the cross?
Who hides the Easter eggs?
The Easter Bunny.
What are they called?
Hot Cross Buns.
Easter Sunday is always on the same date.
What is the egg a symbol of?
New life.