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American History and Integrated Civics
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Why does the flag have 50 stars?
â–ª because there is one star for each state â–ª because each star represents a state â–ª because there are 50 states
Why does the flag have 13 stripes?
â–ª because there were 13 original coloniesâ–ª because the stripes represent the original colonies
Where is the Statue of Liberty?
â–ª New York (Harbor) â–ª Liberty Island
What is the capital of the United States?
â–ª Washington, D.C.
Name one state that borders Mexico
â–ª California â–ª Arizona â–ª New Mexico â–ª Texas
Name one state that borders Canada.
â–ª Maine â–ª New Hampshire â–ª Vermont â–ª New York â–ª Pennsylvania â–ª Ohio â–ª Michigan â–ª Minnesota â–ª North Dakota â–ª Montana â–ª Idaho â–ª Washington â–ª Alaska
Name one U.S. territory.
Puerto Rico â–ª U.S. Virgin Islands â–ª American Samoa â–ª Northern Mariana Islands â–ª Guam
What ocean is on the East Coast of the United States?
Atlantic Ocean
What ocean is on the West Coast of the United States?
Pacific Ocean
Name one of the two longest rivers in the United States.
â–ª Missouri (River) â–ª Mississippi (River)
Name one American Indian tribe in the United States.
Cherokee Navajo Sioux Chippewa Choctaw Pueblo Apache Iroquois Creek Blackfeet Seminole Cheyenne Arawak Shawnee Mohegan Huron Oneida Inuit
What major event happened on September 11, 2001, in the United States?
â–ª Terrorists attacked the United States.
What did Martin Luther King, Jr. do?
â–ª fought for civil rights â–ª worked for equality for all Americans
What movement tried to end racial discrimination?
â–ª civil rights (movement)
During the Cold War, what was the main concern of the United States?
Before he was President, Eisenhower was a general. What war was he in?
â–ª World War II
Who did the United States fight in World War II?
â–ª Japan, Germany, and Italy
Who was President during the Great Depression and World War II?
(Franklin) Roosevelt
Who was President during World War I?
Woodrow Wilson
Name one war fought by the United States in the 1900s.
â–ª World War I â–ª World War II â–ª Korean War â–ª Vietnam War â–ª (Persian) Gulf War