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Women in History

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She was Britain’s first female prime minister.
Margaret Thatcher
She was a French fashion designer and a businesswoman.
Coco Chanel
She was the first computer programmer in history.
Ada Lovelace
This woman discovered radium. She was a scientist. She was from Poland and studied in France.
Marie Curie
She devoted her life to caring for the sick and poor and was canonized as saint in 2016.
Mother Teresa
She lived in Egypt. She was a pharaoh.
She was the rebel princess of the royal family, and still is one of the most famous women in history
Diana, Princess of Wales
She was a Mexican painter known for her many portraits, self-portraits, and works inspired by the nature and artifacts of Mexico.
Frida Kahlo
In 1928, she was the first female pilot to fly across the Atlantic Ocean.
Amelia Earhart
She is an American talk show host, television producer, actress, author, and philanthropist. She is best known for her talk show.
Oprah Winfrey
She is the author of the wildly popular Harry Potter series.
J.K. Rowling
She is Britain’s longest-reigning monarch to date, and she’s made numerous changes to the monarchy during her rule.
Queen Elizabeth II