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Important Women in History

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She is known for her years of living among chimpanzees in Tanzania.She discovered many things about chimpanzees.
Jane Goodall
She, at age 16, helped the Louis and Clark Expedition explore the Louisiana Territory.
She was a French fashion designer and a businesswoman.
Coco Chanel
She is known for her years of living among chimpanzees in Tanzania. She discovered many things about chimpanzees.
Jane Goodall
She is an activist for girls' right to education. She won the Peace Nobel Prize.
Malala Yousafzai
She was a famous painter. She was Mexican.
Frida Khalo
She was the first computer programmer in history.
Ada Lovelace
She was in a bus and she didn't leave the seat. She was an African American woman.
Rosa Parks
She loved flying. She crossed the Atlantic Ocean.
Amelia Earhart
She lived in Amsterdam. She wrote a famous diary.
Anne Frank
She is a teenager. She is from Sweden. She fights for the environment.
Greta Thunberg
She lived in Egypt. She was a pharaoh.
She loved mystery. She wrote many detective stories.
Agatha Christie
This woman discovered radium. She was a scientist. She was from Poland and studied in France.
Marie Curie