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Living Statues

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Look, look, look living _________
Why does Rabbit give Hocus and Baby Bear some money?
Because they look like living statues.
What does Rabbit give Hocus and Baby Bear?
He gives them some money.
Who are you? The monster of the park?
No, I'm not the monster of the park.
Where are Baby Bear and Hocus?
They are in a pile of leaves.
What are coming?
The bees are coming.
Honey is the _______ of the _______.
Sweetest / sweet
Sweatiest / sweat
Where is the honey?
In the old trunk.
Wait, please wait! Don't go so ____.
What could Baby Bear smell?
Baby Bear could smell honey./Baby Bear smelled honey.
What were Hocus and Baby Bear doing?
They were playing.
The ______ were falling from the trees.
Which season was it?
It was autumn.