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E8: Superlative and Comparative

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I think contemporary songs ____ (charming) ____ old songs. (Comparative/Inferiority)
I think contemporary songs are less charming than old songs.
Playing the guitar seems ____ (difficult) ____ playing the ukulele. (Comparative/Superiority)
Playing the guitar seems more difficult than playing the ukulele.
Korean lyrics ___ not ____ (easy) __  English lyrics for me. (Comparative/Equality)
Korean lyrics are not as easy as English lyrics for me.
Good 4 u by Olivia Rodrigo ______ (streamed) song globally on Spotify today. (Superlative)
Good 4 u by Olivia Rodrigo is the most streamed song globally on Spotify today.
BTS _________ (successful) Korean group at the moment. (Superlative)
BTS is the most successful Korean group at the moment.
Madonna ________ (rich) female pop singer in 2021. (Superlative)
Madonna is the richest female pop singer in 2021.
And his arm’s a little bit (long) ____ me. (Comparative/Superiority)
And his arm's a little bit longer than me.
And (strong) ___ me. (Comparative/ Superiority)
And stronger than me.
And he ___ (old) __ me. (Comparative/ Superiority)
And he is older than me.
(Tall) ___ me. (Comparative/Superiority)
Taller than me.
Now he ___ (big) ___ me. (Comparative/Superiority)
Now he is bigger than me.
My love ___ (bright) ____ (bright)  star that shines every night above. (Comparative/Superiority + Superlative)
My love is brighter than the brightest star that shines every night above.
My love ____ (deep) ____ (deep) ocean, (wide) ____ the sky. (Comparative/Superiority + Superlative + Comparative/Superiority)
My love is deeper than the deepest ocean, wider than the sky.
My love ___ (warm) __ __ (warm) sunshine, (soft) ____ a sigh. (Comparative/ Superiority + Superlative + Comparative/Superiority)
My love is warmer than the warmest sunshine, softer than a sigh.