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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is "freckles" in French?
des tâches de rousseur
What is "mustache" in French?
une moustache
What is "beard" in French?
une barbe
What is "pony tail" in French?
une queue de cheval
What is "pony tail" in French?
une queue de cheval
What is "braided" in French?
What is "curly" in French?
What is "straight (hair)" in French?
(les cheveux) raide(s)
What is "short" in French?
What is "mid-length" in French?
What is "long" in French?
What is "bald" in French?
What is "ginger" in French?
roux / rousse
What is "blonde" in French?
What is "hair" in French?
les/des cheveux
What is "glasses" in French?
les/des lunettes
What is "beautiful" in French? (masculine and feminine)
beau / belle
What is "muscular" in French? (masculine and feminine)
musclé, musclée
What is "chubby" in French? (masculine and feminine)
gros / grosse
What is "slim" in French?
What is "old" in French? (masculine and feminine)
âgé / âgée ou vieux / vieille
What is "young" in French?
What is "average height" in French?
de taille moyenne
What is "tall" in French? (masculine and feminine)
grand / grande
What is "small" in French? (masculine AND feminine)
petite / petite