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1a wk 4 review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did they close?
They closed the shop.
Did they close the gym?
yes, they closed the gym.
Is he opening a bank account?
Yes, he is opening a bank account.
When did you call the doctor?
I called the doctor in the morning.
Who did you call?
I called my doctor.
Where did he buy the computer for his sister?
He bought the computer for his sister at the mall.
WHo did he buy the computer for?
He bought the computer for his sister
What kind of computer did he buy?
He bought an HP computer
What did he buy?
He bought a computer.
Where are you watching tv?
I am watching tv in the living room.
Who are you watching tv with?
I am watching tv with my dog.
What are you watching?
I am watching a series
Where is she drinking coffee?
She is drinking coffee at the mall.
Who is she drinking juice with?
She is drinking juice with...
What is she drinking?
She is drinking juice.
Where did she read the book to his father?
She read the book to his father in the park.
Who did he read the book to?
He read the book to his...
Which book did he read?
He read Harry Potter.
What did he read?
He read a book?
Who are they going to write the book to?
They are going to write a book to...
What are they going to write?
They are going to write a book.
When are you going to eat fast food with your sister?
I am going to eat fast food with my sister at the restaurant.
Where are you going to eat fast food with your sister?
I am going to eat fast food with my sister at....
Who are you going to eat with?
I am going to eat with...
What kind of food are you going to eat?
I am going to eat spicy food.
What are you going to eat?
I am going to eat....