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Think or Say: Social Situations

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You had trouble reading the new book in reading class today. The teacher helped you with the new words. You say, “I wish you didn’t have to help me so much.” Think It or Say It?
Think It
A girl in your class stands close to you in line every day and always comes over to talk to you. You say, “Why are you always around me?” Think It or Say It?
Think It
Your aunt came to visit. She lives far away. She said she had a gift for you but she forgot it. You say, “That’s okay. I like visiting with you.” Think It or Say It?
Say It
You went to eat breakfast and your Dad made eggs for you. You don’t want to eat eggs. You say, “Dad, the eggs look good but I’m not hungry.” Think It or Say It?
Say It
You want to camp out in the backyard tonight. Your brother doesn’t want go. You say, “You are such a wimp.” Think It or Say It?
Think It
Your science teacher hands out the test. Your friend always gets the best grade. You tell your friend, “Wow, I think you may be a famous scientist someday!” Think It or Say It?
Say It
You sit next to a girl on the bus. Her hair doesn’t look brushed. You say, “Wow, did you just roll out of bed?” Think It or Say It?
Think It
You called a friend to talk and they said they can’t talk because they are hanging out with someone else. You say, “Oh, okay. Maybe we can hangout soon too." Think It OR Say It?
Say It
Your cousin emails you about a cool gift he just got from your grandmother. You didn’t get a gift from her. You email back and say, “Cool! What a surprise for you.” Think It or Say It?
Say It
You are playing a racing video game with a friend. Your car zooms past them into first place! You say: "Ha ha - you lose!" Think It OR Say It?
Think It
You are playing a game of soccer with your friends at recess. A friend on your team scores the winning goal! To the other team, you say, "You guys played really well. Good game!". Think It OR Say It?
Say It
Your friend just failed her math test. You say: "Aw, I'm sorry. Next time you should study more." Think It OR Say It?
Think It
Your family went to visit your grandmother. She hugs you hello. You say, "I'm so happy to see you! You look nice today." Think It OR Say It?
Say It
Your friend’s mom repainted their living room bright yellow. You don’t like the color yellow. You say: "I don't like the color yellow."  Think It or Say It?
Think It