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Quadratic Functions and Random Trivia

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the largest ocean on Earth?
The Pacific
In square miles, which US state is the smallest?
Rhode Island
What two body parts never stop growing?
ears and nose
How many days are in the month of May?
Which fish has no brain or heart?
jelly fish
What is the slowest moving mammal in the world?
What is the largest rain forest in the world?
Amazon rain forest
What edible substance does a bee make?
What color shorts does Mickey Mouse wear?
Convert the following equation to standard form.
What is the axis of symmetry?
What is the domain and range of the function?
domain: all real numbers; range y is less than or equal to 0
Does the parabola have a minimum or maximum? What is the value?
maximum; y=0
What is the vertex of the function?
What does the letter 'a' tell you about a graph when written in vertex form?
The direction of the parabola.
Convert the equation to standard form.
Does the function have a maximum or a minimum? What is the value?
maximum; y=-3
Find the axis of symmetry for the function.
What is the domain and range of the function?
domain: all real numbers; range: y is greater than or equal to 4
Does the graph have a minimum or maximum? What is it?
minimum; y=4
What is the vertex of the equation?
Convert to standard form.
What are the zeros of the graph shown?
(-4,0) and (1,0)
What is the vertex of the graph shown?