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Food chains and food webs

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Two males of the same species compete for a female is called ___
Animals that move, migrate or live in groups to protect themselves from predators are called___
gregarious species
Highly organised societies with each organism specialised in a different role are called ___
hierarchical communities
Stable groups where offspring are fed and cared for by their mothers are called ____
Family groups
Parasite or host? the human
Parasite or host? the mosquito
Predator or prey? The zebra
Predation, commensalism or parasitism? Benefits one organism and can harm the other
Predation, commensalism or parasitism? Benefits one organism and does not help or harm the other organism
Predation, parasitism or commensalism: a stronger animal kills and eats an animal of a different species
What type of relationship is this?
What type of relationship is this?
What type of relationship is this?
What type of relationship is this?
Cooperation (gregarious species)
What type of relationship is this?
What type of relationship is this?
Cooperation (gregarious species)
What type of relationship?
Cooperation (family groups)
What type of relationship does this show?
Cooperation (hierarchical communities)
What type of relationship does this picture show?
Cooperation (gregarious species)
In an ecosystem, connected food chains make up ___
a food web
What does a food chain always start with?
The sun
Decomposers live on ___
the remains of other living things (dead organisms)
How do consumers obtain their food?
By eating other living things
Plants make their own food through ___
A food chain chain has three levels. They are ___
producers, consumers and decomposers
Food chains show...
who is eating who
The movement of energy through an ecosystem can be represented through...
food chains and food webs
What provides organisms with energy to live?