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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We __________________- (have) a good time at the moment.
We are having a good time at the moment.
She __________ (have) a spacious house.
She has a spacious house.
A: Are you OK? B: Yes, I ________________ (feel) better now.
A: Are you OK? B: Yes, I am feeling better now.
This sweater _______________ (feel) so soft.
This sweater feels so soft.
He ___________________ (see) his friends next week.
He is seeing his friends next week.
We _________________ (have) a great time at the moment.
We are having a great time at the moment.
Those cookies ________________ (cost) a lot of money.
Those cookies cost a lot of money.
I _________________ (hope) you can pass your exam.
I hope you you can pass your exam.
She _______________ ( want) a dog as a present.
She wants a dog as a present.
Children are __________________ (remember) the good times.
Children remember the good times.
She is ______________ (work) in the market now.
Shes is working in the market now.
She is _____________ (believe) in god.
She believes in god.