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Natural and Social Science Vocabulary

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If a coat keeps out water, it is called __________________.
Waterproof, water-resistant
Which energy do we produce when we burn coal?
Thermal energy
What do taste buds do?
They identify different tastes.
The pupils are black but the iris can be different colors. True or False?
What happens after sound waves enter through the outer ear? Where do they hit?
They hit the eardrum.
"Reservoirs are natural lakes used for storing fresh water." Find the mistake and correct it.
man-made lakes not natural
Groundwater is stored in underground layers of rock called _________________.
Which tool is not used to measure something about the wind? Thermometer, wind vane or anemometer?
A weather instrument used to measure rainfall
Rain gauge
Which one is a different type of disaster? Hurricane, tornado or flood?
What is the name of this severe weather condition?
Blizzard (a severe snowstorm with high winds)
Name three objects that absorb water.
Sponge, towel, diaper, tissue, handkerchief, napkin etc
A Martian is an _______________ of the planet Mars.
What is the difference between emigration and immigration?
Emigration is leaving a country, immigration is moving into a country.
Owls can see in the dark and they are active during the night so they are ___________.
This word is used for places where people live very closely. (__________ populated)
________________ animals reproduce by laying eggs.