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Drugs and medicine

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What should you do before you take a medicine? get some water or read directions
read directions
If your friend is sick you can give him/her your medicine? yes or no
A medicine can be bad for you when you take too much or too little
too much
A drug is something that is eaten or put on the body to make you feel better when you are
sick and or injured
What should you say if someone wants to give you an illegal drug? Thanks you that will help me or no it will hurt me
hurt me
A bad or illegal drug wil......help or hurt you
Which one is a BAD OR ILLEGAL drug? beer tylenol
A medicine is a drug that ... will help you feel better make you act crazy
will help you feel better
Some drugs that are good for you are called food medicine
Illegal drugs that are bad make you act smart crazy
If you take an illegal drug you could get better or sick
If you take bad or illegal drugs just to make you high, you could go .. on vacation to jail
Some drugs are illegal. That means that you could get in trouble or get better
get in trouble
The only person that should give you medicine is
trusted adult or doctor
What is an example of a good drug? candy bar cough medicine beer
cough medicine
What is an example of a bad drug? ice cream cough medicine cigarette
Who usually gives you a drug to feel better? doctor/nurse/mom or a friend
We take drugs when we feel...... hungry or sick
Are all drugs bad? yes or no