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Water forms

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What big animals we can found in ocean?
whale, shark
Give one example of waterfalls.
Maria Christina falls, Pagsanjan falls,
Give one example of water forms.
ocean, sea, lake, pond, waterfalls, and river
Give one example of ocean.
Pacific ocean, Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean
Body of water that drop from a high place, found on hill and mountain.
This is a body of standing water neither natural or man-made, that is usually smaller that lake
This is the second largest body of water.
Earth is covered by 71% of what?
What type of water form is in the picture?
What type of water form is in the picture?
What type of water form is in the picture?
True or False: Soil erosion is one of the effects of land polution.
True or False: The one cause of land pollution is planting trees everywhere.
True or False: To prevent land pollution people should not cut trees for making furniture.