Edit Game
GW 6 Unit 5 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Question and answer about Miguel: (skateboard/seven)
Could he skateboard when he was seven? No, he couldn't.
Question and answer about Miguel: (play online games/six)
Could he play online games when he was six? Yes, he could.
Question and answer about Miguel: (juggle/ten)
Could he juggle when he was ten? No, he couldn't.
Could he read a newspaper when he was three?
No, he couldn't.
Could he make a website when he was nine?
Yes, he could.
Could he read an e-book when he was two. (SHORT ANSWERS)
No, he couldn't.
Could Miguel make tacos when he was 11? (SHORT ANSWERS)
Yes, he could.
Could Miguel swim when he was 5 years old? (SHORT ANSWERS)
Yes, he could.
Put the words in order
My grandfather could send letter in 1970.
Put the words in order
Sam's mother couldn't read e-books in 1980.
Put the words in order
People could play online games in 1995.
Put the words in order
Your father could use a dictionary when he was young.
Put the words in order
My grandmother couldn't send an email in 1960.
Make a sentence: use the internet / 2010.
She could use the internet in 2010.
Make a sentence: send an email/ 1970.
She couldn't send an email in 1970.
Make a sentence: use an encyclopedia/ 1970.
She could use an encyclopedia in 1970.
Make a sentence: check the weather on a website/ 2010.
She could check the weather on a website in 2010.
She______ play online games 1970.
She ______ write a letter in 1970.
She _____ read an e-book in 2010.
She ______ use the internet in 1970.