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Judaism, Christianity, Islam Test Review

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Decribe the Five Pillars of Islam.
Declaration of faith, Pray 5 Times a Day, Give to the Poor, Fast during Ramadan, Make the Hajj once in life.
What is the Holy Book of Judaism?
What is the Holy Book of Christianity?
What is the Holy Book of Islam?
What is the symbol of Christianity?
Cross or Crucifix
Symbol of Islam?
Star & Crescent or the Kaaba
Symbol of Judaism?
Star of David
Founder of Judaism?
Founder of Christianity?
Founder of Islam?
What is Sunni?
Sunni is the larger branch of Islam that does not believe the caliph (leader of the faith) needs to be related to Muhammad?
What is Sunni?
This is the larger branch of Islam that does not believe the caliph (leader of the faith) needs to be related to Muhammad.
What is Shia?
Shia is the smaller branch of Islam that believes the caliph (leader of the faith) must be related to Muhammad.
What does it mean to be a Muslim?
To be a follower of Islam.
What is the Hajj?
One of 5 Pillars- Journey to Mecca for A Muslim that is required once during lifetime.
What is the belief of the Trinity? Which religions have we discussed that DO NOT believe in it?
Trinity is belief that God is three persons in one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jews and Muslims do not believe in the Trinity.
What was the Reformation?
A period of time where groups broke away from the Catholic Church and created their own churches.
Christians believe Jesus is the ___________. Muslims and Jews do not.
What does it mean to be a martyr?
To be a person who dies for their faith.
What was the Passover
Event in the Torah where the Angel of Death killed the firstborn Egyptians but protected the Jews.
What does it mean to be kosher
Follow Jewish rules and regulations for the foods you eat.
Nazi Germany created this which harmed and killed millions of Jews
What was the Exodus?
Time in Torah when Moses led the Jews out of Egypt?
What is the covenant?
Agreement made between God and Abraham in Jewish faith
8 day celebration for Jewish People
Celebration of the coming of age for a Jewish boy or girl. There are two names
Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah
Laws given to the Jews at Mount Sinai. These are important to Christians and Muslims too.
Ten Commandments